Webmasters at AdSense blogs and websites are mostly seen frustrated with the poor CTR of their ads which results in poor earning of websites and blogs despite of a well established traffic there. A few months back, I was suffering with the same issue and my ads’ CTR was extremely poor. I contacted several “AdSense gurus” and all recommend me only one thing. Do experiment! Then I started experimenting with ad placements on my blog and now I have succeeded in placing the ads in a way that they grab the attention of my blog readers.
Before guiding you through a perfect ad placement of AdSense ads on your website or blog, I would like to beware you about Google’s guidelines for its AdSense program. AdSense warns you not to place ads in a way that leads to accidental clicks. It includes making the ads almost similar to your content by altering their colors. Your visitors should recognize that the ad, they are viewing, is a sponsored ad. In short, you need to follow AdSense’s ad placement policy to ensure that you get long-term success with AdSense.
In this tutorial, I am not going to guide you through any tricky tactics, instead I’m helping you in placing the ads at different locations on your webpage where the ads will grab maximum attention of the viewer. As I mentioned earlier that several ‘gurus’ recommended me to do experiment with different placements, I did experiment and found some places the “best” for placing ads. I believe that it is a hard job for newbies to test different positions. So to save your time and to show you a pathway for experimenting with your AdSense ads to improve CTR, I am recommending you three ad placement positions where I have got good resultsADSENSE PLACEMENT THAT WORKED FOR ME
Placement 1 – An Ad Unit Near Top: A banner above post title or a rectangle within post content near top performs well in improving CTR. The logic behind this position is; if your visitor doesn’t find your content the one he is looking for, then most likely he leaves your website. In such a situation, the ad may benefit you in two ways. Firstly, it will earn you some money if the visitors go through it, and secondly, your blog’s bounce rate will not creep up.
Ad placement at this position has helped me a lot in getting very good results and I am sure that the placement will help you too if the CTR is poor at your webpages.
Placement 2 – An Ad Unit Below Post Content: In case you are running a blog, then an ad unit below your post content (above comment section) will perform well. If the visitor finds your content useful to read, then an ad unit below the content may provide a rout for him to escape if he doesn’t want to stay anymore on your blog.This is the second important ad placement where your ads will strongly grab the attention of the readers.
Placement 3 – An Ad Unit Below Comment Form: A visitor scroll downs and leaves a comment in comment section if the post was helpful for him or if he has got any questions regarding the topic discussed in the article. For visitors, who scroll down to leave a comment after reading your content, an ad below comment form can do good.
Sooner or later, your visitors need to leave your blog. These three positions may suggest them a rout to leave your blog if the ads are of their interest. I have found these three positions extremely helpful for me, and I hope you will also find these placements effective in boosting your AdSense earnings.
Some Common Positions Where Ads Don’t Perform Good: Most publisher place ads either on sidebar or in header section. I have found these placements the worst as your visitors rarely have a look over these positions. For example, if a visitor comes to your blog from Google search or from any other source, he directly looks for the post / page title or the content to see either the content is exactly of its interest or not. He or she doesn’t looks for your site or blog logo or header section at first.
Ads in sidebar section also deliver poor results. Your visitors occasionally have a look for the content in sidebar and ads in both header and sidebar are mostly neglected by the readers. Ad placements in these two positions are though common, but the fact is, ads in sidebar or header section don’t deliver good results.
Now its your turn. Create some channels in your AdSense account and then track the performance of ads at different positions. You will get to know that my recommended ad positions are indeed the best places for the ads to be placed where the ads will get maximum exposure. Experiment with these positions and let me know after testing the placement for a few days, either the placement worked for your or not. I am sure it will work
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