SEO actually an art and tachnic. Seo is necessary to shwoing your posts in the top result of search engines. On-page seo is most important for this and you should use following on-page seo factors in your posts.
Option: Count description and title characters.
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Following on-page seo Technics are very common and easy to implement. You must try to follow thees factors during making a post. Mostly thees factors will boost your search result. Let see!
Post title is 1st most important onpage seo factor. Post title describe what about your article. The time of creating, your post title must use some of your website keywords, your post title not to exceed 65 charactors and try to creat diffrent if there is already post titles appeared in search engine result. For example: a website about cricket in india then your mostly post keywords are India and cricket. for more please read Precautions When Making the Page Titles.
The 2nd most important onpage seo factor is your article. Your article must have more than 300 words to index and best results in search engines. You must try to avoid copy escape and minimum use of unnecessary and helping words. Your niche easy to read and understand for all internet users globally.
Try to add a media (video/audio) file in your niche and your all media files name must have your main keywords or post title keywords because search engines can't read and index your media data, so the only way is file name to crawl and index.
Use your own created images and same rules like media files but must use image alt and title text so web crawlers can index them and showing them when image searching.
Your must bold 3 keywords in your post and also italic 3 keywords. Search engines crawls Bold and Italic wordsbecause they showing as important words.
Minimum linked 1 keyword of your post to same post link. Its most important on-page seo factor and be sure that this link building is not internal or external link building. You link the keyword with the link of post you are writting.INTERNAL BACKLINKING
You must use internal link building in your post. The keywords that related with your other posts link them with their post links. Its called internal link building.EXTERNAL BACKLINKING
If your post have some words about other websites link them with their posts like if you use google word more than one time you must link minimum one time to google home page.AVOID UNNECESSARY JAVA AND FLASH FILES
JavaScripts and flash scripts may cause slow page load so avoid unnecessary java and flash scripts to use in your posts.FAVORED BACKLINKS
It is most important and strongly recommended to use other webmasters back-links in your post so they also linked you in return. This is original, organic and best way of getting back-links.POST DESCRIPTION
Well describe your article in 150 to 160 characters with using of maximum uses of keywords because search engines specially Google only shows 160 characters and if you leave it then web crawlers use your post's 1st paragraph as a description.Option: Count description and title characters.
Thees onpage seo factors are most important however there is many more factors to use but thees are common and necessary. After read you may noticed that all of that on-page seo factors are easy to use and no extra skills you may need.I hope you like my post and if like please share it and write a appropriate comment.
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